
The Leadership Shadow

According to the Australian Board of Statistics, women make up just over 50% of the population and 46% of the workforce, but are still vastly under-represented when it comes to leadership roles in business and government. In 2012, the statistics concerning women in leadership roles reveal these facts: Only 29% of Australian of Federal Parliamentarians and […]

The leader’s secret skill: 5 ways to develop influence.

Leaders quickly learn that they can’t bend people to their will.  They can give an order but the team might choose not to obey. Something just doesn’t work… If you look at the key words in the last paragraph you will immediately see why those leaders are unsuccessful. “Bend people to their will.” “Order” “Obey” […]

The Leaders as Advocate

team building & effectiveness - LeadershipHQ

“The best leaders not only develop us; they advocate our future.” – Michael Dooley As a leader in your company, you wear many hats. You are probably well aware of many of the traditional duties that are required when you manage people such as delegating and overseeing tasks, training, evaluation and feedback. One management role […]

The HR Architect spends 5 minutes with Sonia McDonald

Who is Sonia McDonald? Sonia McDonald from LeadershipHQ has over 20 years human resource management and organisational development experience. She has held senior roles in organisational development, learning and development, strategic recruitment and talent management fields. She has worked in various industries such as retail, hotels, hospitality, education, construction and engineering, consulting, executive search and […]

The Best Leaders Put Others First

keynote speaker - Leadership and Start-Ups

Within some corporate structures, the leader is at the top of the pyramid, on higher rung than others, without peer. The financial bottom line can make these structures appear successful and model-worthy at first, but their profit is gained at the expense of the well being of everyone else who makes up the organisation. Typically, […]

The 250 Most Influential Women Leaders

Richtopia is a digital business magazine that is dedicated to bringing today’s leaders the latest news and interesting stories from the worlds of business, tech, finance and economics as well as providing insights from the world’s most innovative, successful and inspiring people. The platform seeks to be the go-to resource for seekers of valuable knowledge […]

Sweat the Small Stuff in 2016

Women still occupy less than 16% of all board level positions, even though the need for greater gender balance is garnering a lot of attention these days. While setting benchmarks and other goals and developing strategies to recruit more women into the leadership pipeline is a welcome start, if we truly want to increase gender […]

Succeeding as the Underdog

One concern that holds most new or small business owners back is the worry that they won’t be able to hold their ground against the competition in the market. This is a valid concern, as we know that the majority of businesses fail within the first two to five years. Just because you are the […]

Struggle for Authenticity

Have you ever been in a situation where you were asked for your opinion on something, however in order to be viewed in a certain way, you either amended or hid your true feelings? I think we have all done this to some degree whether subconsciously or otherwise. Why do we do this? The answer […]

Stress, Sleep and the Brain – Neuroleadership Summit Blog Part 2

group coaching program - poor leadership

One of the presenters at the Neuroleadership Summit was Dr Jessica Payne, Director of the sleep, stress and memory lab at the University Notre Dame.  She discussed MPG – the importance of Moderate stress, Positive effect and Good sleep in developing brain stamina. Most of our leaders are working under stress but how is it affecting their performance and decision making? The […]